The Things We Do For…Music.


This is awkward for all parties involved here. I’ve decided to share the small and personal detail with you all that I recently decided I wanted  needed to go to a sold out concert here in San Francisco. Well, what do you do when you want to go to a sold out show in this city? You hit the most accessible, creepiest, last resort site you possibly can, a small rather social site called Craigslist – maybe you’ve heard of it?! And you text (duh from your personal number because you’re desperate) the stranger listed on this sketchy times new roman font list claiming he he’s got “sum tix”. You have a full visual, don’t you?

This person of course texts you back at a weird hour in the middle of the night confirming of course in perfect English he has the tickets with a, “yo I have the tix 4 yew” only to be followed with a “yuh deposit money in my Venmo or PayPal” and before you even confirm that you’re still in fact interested in making any sort of purchase to fund his plant, python, and Pokemon addiction, you’re 60% through the deal.

Lets rewind a bit – I decided I needed these tickets only after I saw the movie Endless Love. Yes, the Brooke Sheilds re-make that’s out right now that looks effortlessly corny and romantic. The whole teen summer romance one, yep, saw it, and I loved it – see it then judge me.  Anyway, the band playing in the movie is one of my favorite bands and hearing them in the movie made me look up their concert schedule afterwards only to find this sold out show here in San Francisco. So of course prior to getting my really hot and steamy misspelled text from this random stranger off Craigslist, I was feeling extremely pretty warm and fuzzy. Then this shet happens.  The next part is the worst part.

When I explain to him I can’t pick up the tickets myself and that I’m in fact going on a first date so my “date” will be picking up the tickets, he offers instead to take me himself. Is this a joke or is my life the real joke here? I then of course proceed to text him back (out of the sake of the tickets obviously) saying sorry, but can my date pick up the tickets instead when he tells me I’m “laaaaame and wut happened 2 spontaneous gurls”.

Have you ever had a moment staring at your phone or someone else where you just sort of black out for a split second and think is this seriously my life? No? Live vicariously through me. I sat at my desk stared at my phone for probably 30 seconds and thought, did I just get asked out by my Craigslist contact? Good GOD, I did. Someone send me a Pity Party immediately, this is WINE (yes wine) worthy and quite laughable, clearly because I’m sharing. So hey, it’s Thursday – live it up, text the Craigslist dude you bought a couch from this summer and see if he spells better than my new friend does.

Three Things


1. Burgundy nails. We like our wine dark red, yes, but more recently our nails too! We’re seeing this color pop up every where since its recent debut on the red carpet. It’s the perfect “fun meets sophisticated” winter transitional color, and your nails don’t arrive before you do if you get what we mean?

2. Finding that oh-so-perfect chocolate to compliment you is a series of dating in itself. Are you the serial chocolate eater who goes through the entire box only to still find yourself unsatisfied? Stop right there. We’ve found your prince charming. He’s a little, um, rough around the edges with his name, but we assure you, it’s whats under the wrapping that counts. Meet Dude Sweet Chocolate, our match made in heaven. Pssst! He may or may not be featured in our Cue Cupid package currently.

3. We realize not everyone lives here in San Francisco, but that doesn’t mean you can’t visit (or drool at your desk about what we’re eating)! We’re obsessing over Foreign Cinema and highly recommend you making 1, or 3 stops when in San Fran, or scooting on over if you live here currently. This place not only has to-die-for food, but the ambiance..ah, behold perfection. They play movies on the side of the building outside under a canopy of lights whilst you enjoy your 5 star meal…sold? Check it out here.

Meet Your Soul Mate, You Know Her.


This weekend was a real eye-opener for me. I’m talking I maybe learned an entire years worth of things in 72 hours, people. Strange I know, but I’m someone who is a self-proclaimed non-crier. I can’t cry in most movies, I seldom ever cry over boys (in public or to friends, a huge no), and I most definitely don’t cry at weddings…or so I thought.


This past weekend I took to the massive traveling cesspool of germs I like to call American Airlines and flew across the country for one of my closest friend’s weddings. Of course I was beyond excited to see her, but I was equally giddy to connect with all my best girls from college again.


A small background for you, this couple getting married has only known each other for a fairly short amount of time in a world where people date for 8-10 years more often than not. They weren’t the “long-time couple” all through college that everyone just assumed would just get married. These two actually had vaguely known one another in High School, but decided to try their hand at dating our senior year of college. To say I know two people who are more in love would be a grave understatement. Of course, I’m lucky enough to be surrounded by amazing relationships, but there is something about these two people that just screams the whole can’t eat, can’t sleep, love…they’re truly inseparable. Now I’m not someone who really thinks too much about “soul mates” but again, if I had to pick out two, these would be them off the top of my head, yep.


The weekend was such a whirlwind between the champagne toast and belly laughs (no I was not drunk as a pre-cursor for this story) at the rehearsal dinner – I started feeling extremely nostalgic. There was so much talk about “being with the one you’re destined to be with” like there is at most weddings, but this seemed different to me. Of course there was the small thought of, “Is there someone for everyone?” and “Wait, do I have a soul mate?” and can I order one off Top Shop (kidding). But really, was there someone perfectly tailored for me? I thought on this while after the rehearsal dinner standing there and laughing with all of my closest friends in a tiny bar. Looking around at each of them, I thought to myself, these were the women who knew me inside and out, they had seen my very best, and my very worst down to the smallest of details. Even across the country, these were my best friends. Were these my soul mates? I say yes.


At 24, the youngest I’ll ever be again, I am right where I want and need to be. I don’t need a “soul mate” in the form of a significant other right now, I barely have time to brush the rat nest that lives on my head. My soul mates, where I am right now in life are all around me in the form of my closest friends. Yes of course, I did cry at the wedding out of happiness for my dear friend, but I cried too because I am so incredibly fortunate to have these friends surrounding me. Who are your soul mates/besties? Have you told them lately how much they mean to you and how glad you are to have them in your life? Get on that. You’re so lucky to have them. Might I suggest a Miss You Bitch (shameless plugs here).